At 1 time in my life I was working a full time job (7.30am to whenever), was teaching 2 courses at UWI, planning my wedding, buying a house, studying for my Masters, writing for 3 Caribbean magazines, running my own local magazine, helping my mom run our flower shop and doing marketing and PR for companies for FREE.
I was doing it all and you know what happened to me? I CRASHED AND BURNED! Yep it all went up in flames. I fell into a depression so deep it was unbelievable. Things started to fall apart right in front my eyes. Nothing was working and I was engulfed with panic attacks almost everyday. It was brutal. I had to STOP!
Because I was trying to manage my TIME. I was trying to be a super hero and do everything and be everything to everybody and it made no sense. I was not prioritizing and I was not taking care of my mental or emotional well being.
I decided to take 2 months off of my business and I ended up taking 2 years off because the burn out was that intense. But I learnt and now I know it was never about time but about me, because I do not have to do everything and everything does not need to be done immediately.
I learnt the hard way but I learnt a well deserved lesson.
I prioritized
I asked for help
I delegated
I eliminated
And I became happier, healthier and a better version of myself.
Now people feel I am always working!
I have been on vacation for days with no internet access and got a message from a client asking me if I really went on vacation because they were seeing me showing up everywhere!
That does not happen by magic and I had to learn the hard way how to show up, ask for the sale and manage myself not my time so I still had time to disappear for a few days and still make money and be visible to those who needed me.
I delegate and automate alot of what I do so I can get my mid day naps, go to dinner every week and spend a ton of time with my family and still smash major goals every week.
You have to be realistic with what you want your life to look like and how you want your business to evolve. I LOVE what I do but I do not want my head to be in business 24-7 in order for me to make money and make a difference in people’s lives.
Do you know that you do not need to be tied to your business 24-7 in order to make a profit.
That you do not need to locked onto social media all day everyday
That you do not need to answer an email as soon as it pops up in your inbox
That its not true that the only thing you should be talking about, reading about or listening to should be about business
That you have to give up time with family and friends to make your business succeed
Or that you can only really run a business when you leave your 8-4 job
All of these things is what has been taught to us but it is not true. It is all tied into this silly notion that we do not have enough time to do and be and get everything you want.
Don’t get me wrong…. starting and running a biz takes hard work, sacrifice and determination but there is a healthy, logical, purposeful way to do it without being burnt out and frustrated.
There is no reason to crash and burn and if you feel this way then it is time to get some help so you can live the life you really want. Let’s get on a call if this is you.