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Difference Between A Tactic And A Strategy

Difference between a tactic and a strategy

This week on the podcast, we're diving into the difference between strategy and tactics. Learn how a strategy is a long-term plan that spans 60 to 90 days, designed to achieve specific business results, while tactics are short-term actions aimed…

How Do Your Ideal Clients Find You

How do your ideal clients find you

In this week's episode, we dive into how your ideal client can discover your business. With so many people turning to Google and social media to find solutions, it's essential to position yourself where they are searching.   Setting up…

Should You Use AI In Your Business?

Should you use AI in your business?

In this week's podcast we talk about if you should be using AI in your business. I encourage my clients to find creative ways to incorporate AI into their daily business operations. But like everything else, it should be used…

What Is Selling?

What is selling?

In this weeks podcast we talking about the definition of selling. What it means and what it does not mean. For my clients, I describe selling as showing your audience how your offers can transform their lives in the forms…

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