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Shifting To A Success Mindset

Shifting to a Success Mindset

Featured from Shifting Perspectives This week I am joined by Business Coach and Marketing Consultant, Adanna Austin. Adanna is an entrepreneur from the twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. She works with entrepreneurs to develop a winning mindset to…

Stop Complicating Your Process

Stop complicating your process

In this week’s Dynamic Business Podcast,  we are going to talk about "Stop complicating your process". See you next week, where we share more Dynamic Business Tips with your coach Adanna Austin.
Get Your Mind In Gear First With Adanna Austin

Get your mind in gear first with Adanna Austin

Listen in on the conversation between Nancy and Adanna Austin on how your Mindset + Tools can make your business thrive when you need to rest! Adanna works her successful business while dealing with chronic illness and her number one message is that you are not alone in your struggle! Take a listen to be encouraged!
Which Social Media Platform To Choose

Which Social Media Platform To Choose

Which social media platform to choose to reach your biggest audience In today's episode, we talk about Which Social Media Platform To Choose to reach your biggest audience. Not all social media platforms are created equally. You need to understand…

Let’s Talk Digital Products

Let’s talk digital products

In today's episode, we talk about why I love digital products including: The types of digital products The importance of knowing your audience before you create a digital product Creating multiple and passive income streams
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