You should hire a coach because the world of business is competitive and having someone in your corner who has already accomplished what you are now trying to achieve will help you avoid many pitfalls.
But as more and more businesses are popping up and more persons are collaborating and seeing the potential for bigger and better things, it is your duty to share your skills, your talents and your vision with the rest of the world.
If you want success and to create a business that truly helps others then take a deep breath and step out of the way. Get out of your way. Tell your doubting complaining self to step aside while you get to work. When you take the reigns back then you are ready to move forward.
Gone are the days of build it and they will come. Now in order to build a sustainable business, you need to put in the work before you even officially launch the business.
Do not let the fear of failure, rejection or judgement stop you from producing something great that the world will love and you will be remembered for.
Utilizing video is no easy feat. Because like with anything else in your business, once you decide to go down this road of utilizing video you must have a plan.